This Distribution Substation Monitoring Application is an application created to assist PLN Officers in recapitulating data and monitoring Distribution Substations, especially in the distribution section of PT. PLN (Persero)The features contained in this application are as follows:✓ Complete data information related to distribution substations, such as substation numbers, addresses, units, feeders, transformer power, serial numbers, and other information.✓ Can input voltage (V) and load (A) measurement results for a maximum of 4 directions for each LWBP and WBP.✓ Coordinate tagging connected to Google Maps.✓ Update measurement date.✓ Entry Name of Executing Officer.✓ Filter Data of Substations based on: Balanced/Unbalanced Loads, Under/Overloaded and Normal Loads, as well as filters from certain months that have not been updated. substation data measurement.✓ ULP Admin and ULP Officer account features.✓ Information regarding substation safety according to transformer power, both for Fuselink and NH Fuse ratings.✓ Can be used for multi units.✓ Download data recap in excel format.✓ Distribution transformer data can be uploaded collectively via the web by the admin.✓ Data can be accessed on the Internet anywhere and anytime.For application accounts on the Application, you can email admin
[email protected] using PLN Corporate Email.Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Hamdi Reza, which contains experiences related to the world of electricity at PT. PLN (Persero),Youtube Channel Links : youThis application is the result of collaboration with DobelD Creative Digital Services.